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State CLRS on the Health Council System

New Mexico is undertaking a major healthcare and social service system change that will affect each and every one of us—personally—as well as organizations with whom we work or receive services. Turquoise Care (NM’s Medicaid program) is overseeing this change, called a “closed-loop healthcare and social services referral system” (CLRS). It will formally link healthcare (medical services) and community agencies providing health-related social needs (HRSNs) services like housing, food, transport, and the like. The aim is to improve the quality of care, health equity, and health outcomes, and lower healthcare costs through value-based payment. You, or your Health Council, can still have a say in the design of this change.

Informed community input and engagement is needed to design a CLRS that is relevant, effective, and acceptable to all areas and populations (especially those historically made disenfranchised) of New Mexico. This change is of particular interest and importance to Health Councils.

Zoom link | Meeting ID: 575 621 9684

May 20

Peer Learning Session: The ABCD’s of Effective Collaboration

June 21